Chris Patterson: The Arrogant Worms’ Comedian, Musician


jumping-chris-crop005Chris Patterson plays bass with Canada’s most popular musical comedy trio The Arrogant Worms, who have sold over 150,000 CDs and toured extensively in Canada and the U.S., with appearances in the U.K. and Australia.

I’m a big fan of The Arrogant Worms and am proud to say I gave them their national radio debut on CBC’s “The Radio Show with Jack Farr,” and produced their national TV appearances on John Oakley’s Life Network TV show & Mike Bullard’s TV show on The Comedy Network. I hope to have interviews with the other members of the band, Mike McCormick and Trevor Strong, when, and if, they let me.

We talk about how the band managed to survive 20 years together, longer than most marriages in America, and the band’s collaboration with four-time World figure skating Champion Kurt Browning.

After 20 years on the road The ‘Worms aren’t touring as much as they once did, and we discuss how Chris is using his musical and performance skills in his job as a high school English teacher.

Finally we also talk about our failed attempt at creating a game show we pitched to the Comedy Network with the line “What if Michael Moore had a game show?”

Links from the show

Chris Patterson’s website

The Arrogant Worms website

Queen’s University Drama Department